Stats from

With both Pascal/Yak Without both Pascal/Yak With Pascal, No Yak With Yak, No Pascal
Minutes 239 153 128 29
Usage Rate 20.6% 28.2% 24.9% 31.5%
Net Rating -0.2 -8.7 +14.3 -24.0
FG% 51.2% 37.7% 55.2% 47.1%
2PT% 57.3% 43.1% 56.8% 43.8%
3PT% 40.6% 29.4% 50.0% 100.0%
TS% 59.7% 45.1% 67.0% 56.0%
Points/Poss 0.97 0.82 1.21 0.97
AST% 20.1% 34.4% 24.1% 30.8%
FT Rate 16.3% 12.9% 53.4% 23.5%
3PT Rate 37.2% 40.0% 24.1% 5.6%
Points/36 16.5 19.0 26.8 25.7


  • vaalbaragB
    10 months ago

    The big caveat is that minutes with Siakam, Barnes, and not Poeltl tend to be when the other team goes small (or at least doesn’t have a traditional big starting center out there). And yeah, Siakam and Barnes should and do tend to torch those lineups.

    I really liked the Barnes/Siakam/Achiuwa/Flynn/GTJ lineup we’ve seen occasionally. Looks like that unit has played a super-small sample-size of 9 minutes together, with five of those minutes coming last night. Net rating of +35, but again, the sample size. Nonetheless, it’s a great lineup to punish teams that can’t bring a mobile rim-protecting C off the bench.