As the title says, I just wanted to tell you this, I am so happy.

I was hardstuck plat for 6 years and just climbed to dia - with a solid winrate even.

I am thinking if it is because of the addition of Emerald, some games felt unusually soft. But top 5% was like Plat 2 last season, where games felt hard for me and I kinda inted and never got to dia.

Maybe I just got better… anyone else climbed this season easier than last seasons?

Greetings from Germany :)

  • DazziB
    1 year ago

    My best guess is that promotion games are gone. They were my kryptonite. They were nothing but toxic and put pressure on you that you would often put onto your teammates.

    I’ve been plat the last 6-7 seasons, I flew through the new plat and when I hit emerald I suddenly got +15/-32 LP, it took me like 60 games with a win rate of 70-75% , when I hit emerald 1 my LP gains were stable again. Now I’m diamond 3 with +29/-21 LP. So yea…