Around 3,5k I think. I started playing in season 1 and most of the money I spend I earned via steam anyway. I got around 700 euro in investments on steam right now…
Around 3,5k I think. I started playing in season 1 and most of the money I spend I earned via steam anyway. I got around 700 euro in investments on steam right now…
Just dodge then?
If you know you are fucked, and that you’ll fuck your teammates. Do the right thing and dodge.
My best guess is that promotion games are gone. They were my kryptonite. They were nothing but toxic and put pressure on you that you would often put onto your teammates.
I’ve been plat the last 6-7 seasons, I flew through the new plat and when I hit emerald I suddenly got +15/-32 LP, it took me like 60 games with a win rate of 70-75% , when I hit emerald 1 my LP gains were stable again. Now I’m diamond 3 with +29/-21 LP. So yea…
If those games are rare as you say. Why do you care that you lost 12 LP? If you are climbing those 12 LP won’t matter. Same reason people dodge lobbies, the LP don’t matter that much.
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I couldn’t care jack shit that little Timmy spend X money to be boosted.
I care about people buying accounts for 2 $ and fucking around…