Anecdotally speaking, I’ve seen Draven more often being banned at least once if not twice in my lobbies whenever I queue ranked. But from checking stats website, he doesn’t seem too overpowered. What makes him such a powerhouse in the bot lane that requires a lot of bans?
He does so much damage early so he’s never worth fighting unless your support can cc or root him from catching an axe. His passive encourages diving you to cash it in or R execute. According to w/r by game length he doesn’t fall off like he used to either with the buffs he’s been given.
as a 1.8 mill mastery Draven player, you dont need to theory craft much. CC and long range poke is the bane of our existance for the most part. I ban Ez every game becuase nothing gets done bot lane early. and if they choose Cait, then I might as well get cull because im never gonna get near cait to do much unless I get a rare support that chooses something that initiates