Anecdotally speaking, I’ve seen Draven more often being banned at least once if not twice in my lobbies whenever I queue ranked. But from checking stats website, he doesn’t seem too overpowered. What makes him such a powerhouse in the bot lane that requires a lot of bans?
Many people just blindly follow the trend, lol, what a bunch of clueless wasting bans
Mostly because he completely warps the game around him. Either he gets ahead and gigacarries, or he falls behind and is completely useless and solo loses the game. Or, he’s a smurf who hard carries the game or he dies a couple times and AFKs because he doesn’t care about the account. No matter what the outcome of the game is, it is because of Draven. That kind of game is no fun to play.
ADC with damage of assassins on the same attack speed of other ADCs, why would they not ban him
Honestly it’s just the fact that he does a ton of damage + is really oppressive early, if he gets a kill and starts snowballing it can be hard to deal with sometimes + with his passive, a kill on draven early is more valuable than most other ADs
Samira is banned more.
Playing against strong early lanes isn’t fun for anyone.
How many players tilt to the point of half trying/giving up/griefing just because their lane is hard? It’s a lot.
Because he is a stupid broken unfair champ who needs to be nerfed into oblivion
Lane bully and snowballs super hard.
Only 4 ADCs beat him or can go even in lane from experience (Ashe / Kog / Nilah / Cait), the other ones are favorable matchups or get wrecked , and the ones he beats get beaten super hard (Kai’sa/Vayne/Xayah/Jinx are free matchups for him)
He does so much damage early so he’s never worth fighting unless your support can cc or root him from catching an axe. His passive encourages diving you to cash it in or R execute. According to w/r by game length he doesn’t fall off like he used to either with the buffs he’s been given.
as a 1.8 mill mastery Draven player, you dont need to theory craft much. CC and long range poke is the bane of our existance for the most part. I ban Ez every game becuase nothing gets done bot lane early. and if they choose Cait, then I might as well get cull because im never gonna get near cait to do much unless I get a rare support that chooses something that initiates
Welcome, to the league of Draaaven!
Driven tickles players booties more than riot tickled their own employees booties
Annoying to play with and against. Self centered mechanics in a team game
The Strongest Laner by Far with the highest chance to Snowball. Both Junglers always path for Draven lanes. His passive just makes it so you should always play for him/neutralize him. He’s awful when behind (Low range/ needs to catch every axe).
Draven is broken. But to extract a full potential of this champ, you need to be amazing. He’s damage is too high and snowball is insane.