Pretty nuts that the media and even Suns fans didn’t give the Suns any slack for missing an All Star.

In every single game this year the Suns were missing at least 1 All Star. In 6 games they were missing 2 All Stars.

And by all rights Denver should be better equipped to play without Murray. The Nuggets are not as top heavy in salary. Their top 5 salaries are $47, $33, $33, $22 and $15 million. While the Suns are very top heavy with their 3 Stars averaging $42 million. Thus it hurts way more when the Suns are missing a Star. Denver has more depth.

And lets be real. Book is way better than Murray.

Still Denver is struggling without Murray.

  • mercfan3B
    10 months ago

    You think Denver is losing and not doing stupid things?