How much importance do you place on stacking these days? Are regular camps worth or just ancients? Curious if there are certain situations where it’s worth going out of your way or not. Such as offlane is pushed into your tower so ancients are only a few seconds away

  • ReizaaaB
    10 months ago

    If you are certain than you have a hero who can clear them fast and need that gold/cp injection like bristle o Ta go example, then it’s great. I also mostly stack with heroes that have abilities that let me stack 2 or 3 camps at the same time, so as to make that time spent more worth it. Another good moment is when the next set of neutral items is about to spawn, so as to get them fast, smoke and take a fight with that advantage. And o course, if you just happen to be close to a creep camp around the correct time, always stack, why wouldn’t you.

    The thing with stacking is that nowadays you have so many other important objectives that are usually better than just wasting half a minute for some extra creeps. Also, it is usually better to farm them yourself as a support and get some important items fast.

    • shade192OPB
      10 months ago

      great response. thanks that’s somewhat what I expected

      • ReizaaaB
        10 months ago

        No problem, glad it helped. I’m 6k and play a lot of pos 5 when I’m in party with my higher mmr friends. A great meta support for stacking this patch is AA. He can’t really clear waves on his own, so stacking is a good way of getting gold and xp. And he has his W for extra vision and E for extra range. Cheers