The most enjoyable build/patch of your favourite champion. Personally mine was 2014 Kha’zix. His ulti is the same now except it gave 50% damage reduction, his pre evolve w slows and his q did % base damage rather than cooldown reduction. He could kill squishies and tanks while also being unkillable due to stealth/ evolve e 2nd/ dmg reduction. 2018 Kha’zix was also fun where evolved r gave you passive stealth + MS in bushes at all times. What’s everyone else’s?

  • Ok-Consideration2935B
    1 year ago

    Wukong in the assassin meta.

    His old kit had better DMG spread and his kit overall is kinda more assassin like than bruiser. During assassin meta he was a solid pick in 3 lanes and could easily full combo squishies and get out.

    That being said it was hella problematic due to the lack of counter play.

    Even still it was hella fun