The most enjoyable build/patch of your favourite champion. Personally mine was 2014 Kha’zix. His ulti is the same now except it gave 50% damage reduction, his pre evolve w slows and his q did % base damage rather than cooldown reduction. He could kill squishies and tanks while also being unkillable due to stealth/ evolve e 2nd/ dmg reduction. 2018 Kha’zix was also fun where evolved r gave you passive stealth + MS in bushes at all times. What’s everyone else’s?
Wukong in the assassin meta.
His old kit had better DMG spread and his kit overall is kinda more assassin like than bruiser. During assassin meta he was a solid pick in 3 lanes and could easily full combo squishies and get out.
That being said it was hella problematic due to the lack of counter play.
Even still it was hella fun
Boring pick but old AP Sona! Bursting people to oblivion with low economy was pretty unfair in retrospect.
Ap master
Season 4 riven
I miss full ap fat e chunk nunu, liked it way more than current nunu
Old kat old irelia old talon old akali sigh… I’m old
AP Yi AP Trist
Release patch season 11 Darius with OG Stridebreaker, what an absolute terror that was
Here’s a champ whose entire weakness is that he’s immobile and melee. If you’re out of his range, he’s useless but if you get into a melee match against him, say goodbye. Now let’s give that champion an item that gives him a 300 range AOE damaging slowing gap closer on a 15 second CD that goes down with CDR and throw him on the rift and see what happens. Your E pull with that became an 835 range pulling ability into you, absolutely nobody could escape you. And alongside that, if you got hit by it now you can’t move either because you’re slowed so combine that with his W slow and you’re in for a bad time.
By far one of the most insanely stupid ideas that I’ve ever seen this company make in regards to itemization, thank god they’re getting rid of galeforce next season too because as an Aphelios player, it’s the exact same problem. The immobile weapon platform ADC now has an executing gap closer, because that makes sense.
Pre rework pre Q rework Swain
Back when you built a whole lot of mana regen on him, like the first half of athenes
Loved that Swain so much, still miss his bird form joke
My first main was pre rework Evelynn (season 3), I loved everything about the champion and the kit. I don’t like the new one. Being invisible but you have a cc spell that reveal your presence and builds over time… Kinda counters the point. Also I don’t like the art or voice anymore.
So I switched to pre rework Warwick. Again, I loved the champion and kit. The perma MS, going in and out of fight bleeding my enemy little by little made me feel like a hunter wolf. New kit is MS only toward enemy, blink R is gone…
So I switched to Gragas. Hopefully if they rework him he stays fun.
Seems like I prefer old league, voices and kit etc. It was simpler but had more personality to me