I’m kinda new (since the start of OW2) but man this community is pretty toxic to each other. There’s like 2 camps that’s either support mains or tanks (and sometimes dps) and they will not stop going at it. They’re so aggressive and toxic towards each other for no reason. The game kinda lives in cycles of support being really good and tank being really good and whichever side isn’t the best at the moment gets toxic to the other. And it gets so unbearable how much each dude goes at each other, especially on TikTok and YouTube but even here it can get out of hand. And it devolves into such petty things like name calling, insults, and even slurs.

It’s so dumb and petty. It sounds like children arguing on the playground about who is stupider. And some (not all ofc) fan the flames and makes it worse. They’ll sit there and constantly complain about the other group to their large fan base and just make things worse. Content creators should be using their big platforms to make things better for the community, not promote toxicity and make things worse.

At the end of the day we’re all playing the same game. We’re all trying to enjoy the same thing. We should be asking for the game to be balanced so all roles are fun, not asking to take the support characters out back old yeller style. We should all be in the same boat of wanting the game to be the best it can be, not dividing into subgroups and getting toxic with each other.

  • DXBEE2017B
    10 months ago

    You can’t generlise. Not all mercy male mains r toxic. Only 99.99999% 🫣