I know it’s still very early, but I wanted to see what your guys’ thoughts are on the season so far?

What’s working well and should continuing doing? What do we need to work on? Is there anyone we should look to trade/trade for? Any particular rotations we need to see more/less off?

Just want an overall gauge on our first 16 games, on the outside it looks like we’re in for another mid year but maybe some of youse have seen some particular bright spots others haven’t.

  • Ice2jcB
    10 months ago

    We’re 13th in net rating even though we clearly don’t have a full grasp of the offensive and defensive systems. There have been noticeable miscommunication issues.

    Which isn’t surprising. Quin runs a notoriously hard offensive system to master. To back this up, Quin’s Utah teams always had slow starts even when they ended up a top seed.

    2021/2022 - 4-4 start before finishing 49-33

    2019/2020 - 12-10 start before finishing 44-28

    2018/2019 - 9-12 start before finishing 50-32

    2017/2018 - 19-28 start before finishing 48-34

    We’re playing better defense overall I believe but our defensive system doesn’t match our personnel. I think we’re a move or two away from being really good but once we get Jalen back and are more comfortable in Quin’s system I expect us to go on a streak and be a handful of games over .500 by the trade deadline.

    We also haven’t had easy matchups and the schedule doesnt easier until the end up December