I’ve noticed recently that in my matches, the most toxic people are not the tanks, not the DPS, but… the supports? At least to me. It seems like they’re always the one to complain about getting elim a when it’s their only death. Or they type something really rude and toxic when their DPS are “underperforming”.

It makes me upset because it’s like, what reason do you have to be that toxic and I am support main myself. The last thing I want to do is talk trash about my teammates when we’re working toward the same goal. Half is Overwatch is mental, why would you beat down your own team? Especially if you’re playing support, like, it baffles me. But then again, it’s Overwatch.

Not expecting anything from this post, just, have you guys encountered this as well? What role do you find to be most toxic?

Also, super unrelated, but no Lifeweaver user flair?

  • iwillshankyourkidsB
    10 months ago

    I mean it makes sense. The most toxic people are the most angry people. The most angry people start screaming when they get shit on as tank/ DPS. They queue for support because it’s the easiest role and they can now scream at others from a position of safety. and now if everything goes wrong they can tell themselves it’s everyone else’s fault. Basically it’s pathetic loser behaviour.