• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • Ok, I get you’ve probably read that somewhere and adopted it like most people on this sub but you’re actually wrong, and blizzard doesn’t need your help;

    When you buy a real shirt for 30 dollars, you’re paying for the materials it’s made of, you’re paying for someone or a machine to stitch it together, you’re paying for it to be driven from the factory to a store/ your house. Materials, labour, distribution.

    A pixel shirt for your video game action man is made from no material, it is made once by a team of artists and copied infinitely, it doesn’t need to be delivered because it doesn’t exist.

    In the first 3 months upon release, Overwatch 2 made over 100 million dollars, the most profitable the game (including 1) has EVER been.

    So to your point, they could sell them for 5 dollars and still make profit enough to keep the game going in perpetuity and also be filthy rich. Corporate greed is getting bad enough without the people licking their shoes and thanking them for it, you’re being ripped off, buy all the little outfits you want but at least be cognisant of the fact that you aren’t paying a fair price.

    I could explain the economics a bit more if you’d like

  • I mean it makes sense. The most toxic people are the most angry people. The most angry people start screaming when they get shit on as tank/ DPS. They queue for support because it’s the easiest role and they can now scream at others from a position of safety. and now if everything goes wrong they can tell themselves it’s everyone else’s fault. Basically it’s pathetic loser behaviour.

  • I have been a tank main ever since the start of overwatch 1. Two months ago I started maining soldier and I haven’t queued for tank once, and I don’t think I will again. My job is so much easier now and I’m providing more value to my team than I was as tank, a role I have years of practice in. and the game is just much more fun, I have so many options. I can get away, I can use movement to avoid shots now my hitbox isn’t a billboard. I can actually secure a kill easily without constantly feeling like I’m waiting out every enemy ability before I can pull something off.

    I just don’t think they have any idea what they want a tank to be and it shows. They are just weak DPS with more health, which translates into being a useless punching bag for the enemy team. I’ve said it before, people complain about Orisa but she is the best designed tank out of all of them for 5v5. A tank being the punching bag it is NEEDS abilities that allow you to TANK damage and CC. Any that doesn’t will always just be annoying to play

  • You can report them. The report system is mondo stupid and bans completely innocent people all the time. If there’s someone being actually toxic then you should definitely report them, they will likely be silenced. But if you’re asking personally, I mean I used to get angry at this game when I played it at 16 when it came out, you sort of mellow a little once your neurons have formed properly XD. But now when I see people being toxic in chat most of the time I just see a really pathetic person who isn’t good at anything in real life who’s desperately flexing the tiniest feeling of power they’re getting from a video game - in other words it’s sad. The words of these people shouldn’t effect you because anybody doing this is embarrassing themselves even if they don’t realise it. You’re better than that and involving yourself in any way, or getting hurt, is beneath you. It’s like getting into an argument with an 8 year old, sure they might be annoying but now you’re the weirdo

  • Oh no, he doesn’t know…

    Welcome to being a tank main brother, the least self reliant role in Overwatch. Basically you can’t do shit against phara. On some maps MAYBE you could focus her as sigma or Zarya, but really you’re completely reliant on your team being able to do something, and if they can’t then sucks to be you bozo.


  • I kept finding Sombra very annoying after the rework. I enjoy playing flanking heroes like Soldier where I can occasionally sprint to get a better angle while my team is attacking from a different direction. Sombra makes this very hard, she excels now specifically in killing lone players and almost always has the advantage of surprise. Stay with your team and you’ll barely even notice her because now she’s running round invisible for 90% of the match looking for an easy kill she can’t secure like the sombras that join my team

  • Been saying this a long time. They use the excuse of needing to aim. Bitch, if you think needing to aim in a shooter makes your hero high skill you’re too stupid to converse with. You think she’s the most picked character because the majority of players are opting for a more difficult experience? Get real they pick her because she’s the EASIEST to get insane value out of, and those same sheep will bitch and moan about Orisa

  • The Redditor hater has logged on.

    It’s because all redditors are insufferable pricks with “contrarian” written on their forehead. Most of them buy call of duty every single year and then turn around and talk about how much they hate mass produced AAA shite. For the record, Indie games ARE largely better for one simple reason - they’re mostly made by passionate people who want to create a great game. Most AAA games are made by passionate shareholders who want to create a cash cow.