From all the highs and lows of yesterday, leave your final thoughts/analysis/discussion/takeaways from yesterday’s victory over the Bengals.

This thread is intended for level-headed, mindful discussion and less knee-jerk reactions. Keep this in mind before commenting.


Follow our rules. We all have different opinions and mindsets, but we’re all here to talk Steelers and see them succeed at the end of the day. Keep it cool.

  • qazaibombB
    10 months ago

    I think my big takeaway is that the offense looked so much better but it wasn’t that the players themselves played all that much better, or even that the core philosophy of the offense changed. Canada was just that bad of a play caller

    Kenny played well but still made some of the same mistakes he has been making. Missing a couple open dudes, some inaccuracies particularly to GP, some aggravating decisions like throwing a screen pass for a 5 yard loss to Warren, and still not finding the end zone. What’s more is that the line didn’t ever seem to give Kenny a ton of time to work, and only one of our running backs seemed to be able to get anything going. It was honestly a lot of the same shit, right down to a DJ dropped TD

    But just changing the play caller and doing things people have been begging them to do all season brought all the life to this offense. Using the middle of the field. Incorporating deep shots here and there to keep defenses honest. Being aggressive on early downs, and avoiding 3rd and long; we had 17 3rd downs (!!) but only 9 of them were >7 yards, and we went 5/8 on the ones that were less than that. It’s common sense football