I main rein and I think he’s the most fun character in the game. I especially love rein vs rein however I haven’t played I rein mirror in like two seasons and I feel like every game I play as rein I have to play out of my mind to win. He’s just in a bad state right now. Does anyone think he will get some fat buffs next season?

  • joojawB
    10 months ago

    I think the problem is that Rein has a high wr in all elos but only because he’s mostly used as a shield bot in higher elos. He puts his 1400 hp shield up while his Sojourn/Soldier/Widow pops off so it’s just boring. He’s basically like Mercy. Holding right click to enable his dps for most of the game. His shield is actually surprisingly hard to destroy. Unless you have a Bastion, it takes 8-10 seconds to destroy it with multiple people shooting, and that’s 8-10 seconds where you’re in LOS of his dps.

    So yeah, in a lot of games, you feel like you didn’t do much as Rein even when you did. That’s why most people would rather play Sigma, Doom, Orisa or Zarya. Because they can dominate more often instead of getting carried.

    • browsersinsidestoryB
      10 months ago

      Unless you have a Bastion, it takes 8-10 seconds to destroy it with multiple people shooting, and that’s 8-10 seconds where you’re in LOS of his dps.

      This is exactly why pure buffs with no compensation nerfs would be a bad idea.

      I think a lot of people see that charging in whenever shift is off cooldown leads to you exploding, and assume Rein is bad for that- while ignoring he has effectively another 1400 HP with no headshot hitbox to whittle down before you can truly kill him. An ulting Winston with nano only has an effective 1500 hp, and Rein has almost that much on just his barrier.