I can’t, for the life of me, win games that rely on me.

Whenever I’m the only one with a positive KDA, we’re always making these huge and exciting comebacks, and then either me or somebody in the team makes a mistake and all of it falls apart.

Whenever I’m losing lane, I’m either getting a) butchered again and again and the enemy team just keeps on tipping me and insulting me on chat or b) we make a comeback which leads to the above.

I’m tired.

Every game feels like a fucking waste of time if we spend so much effort and time only to lose again and again and again and again and I feel like I might kill myself whenever this shit happens.

I’m fucking done. I hope this game dies just as I will now.

  • FairPlayAndRespectB
    10 months ago

    Many of us feel you bro. The state of the game is dog shit thanks to this new report system, people are scared to voice chat and guide the team, everybody is playing his own way and throw games with bad moves because a good player in team is scared to use voice comms…

    • NonACCEPTABLE_LemonB
      10 months ago

      I guide my team all the time lol. If I’m going RS, split push, smoke gank etc. Just try not to be an asshole while communicating.