Wondering what the consensus is on starting players on bye to avoid dropping players. Particularly for teams who have already clinched the playoffs.

  • UntchjB
    10 months ago

    I clinched 2 weeks ago. Everyone else is in a dogfight for the remaining 3 spots.

    I do everything I can to field a full lineup. I go as far as dropping my kicker/defense and adding a late defense only if it’s needed. Ie the other week i picked up the jets off waivers specifically bc they had a Monday night game. I would have dropped them if the afternoon games put our matchup out of contention. It was still tight so I kept the jets and I won by 2 points.

    In another week, I dropped my kicker only after the result was out of contention:

    This week, I dropped my kicker bc after the first 4 games I had a huge projected lead.

    This upcoming week, I have both my QBs on a bye. I’m gonna add a 3rd starting QB and drop my kicker. And even then, I’ll do what I can to potentially add a kicker at the 4pm games if it’s close

    Bottom line, I’ve been in that position where every game matters and there’s just no way I could be ‘that’ guy and give someone else a free win. Unless I absolutely must and even then the most I’ll do is drop a kicker. Stuff like this is how fantasy can get personal lol It speaks to someone’s character for someone to just say F the whole league