:( come back to us

  • Spiritual-Avocado-33B
    10 months ago

    Imo there is a couple reasons swift is probably doing better in Philly. There O-line is better then ours by a decent amount imo and run scheme is more friendly of the kind of back swift is. His big runs atleast from the games Ive seen this year he mainly only needs to make one cut, which is big props to that O-line, it’s also a more stable organization and I doubt there asking him to do as much as we were so it’s less pressure on him so he isn’t trying to do too much. He is also from philly and probably grew up an eagles fan. Last point is he needs to get paid and is probably more willing to play through injuries but he also isn’t getting injured because they probably aren’t pushing as hard in practice due to being an established team vs a team that’s trying to flip there culture