• aqphsB
    10 months ago

    I understand having criticism for Cade. However, the guy has played 30 games of NBA basketball in the last year and a half. He is less than 100 games into his career.

    Most importantly, he shoots 89% from the line at over 4 attempts a game, which is one of the biggest indicators of future shooting success.

    Everyone screaming from the mountaintops that he is a bust is jumping the gun to a critical point. You are going to speak it into existence at this point with how toxic social media is these days, and Cade will be asking for an out in the near future if the fanbase doesn’t give him a break.

    Criticism is fine. Condemning him is not. There’s a fine line, and if you care about this franchise stop trying to drive him out of town before we even figure out his true potential.

    I get it sucks losing but it would suck even more losing a star player because the fanbase they were drafted to never stopped whining about how dog shit at basketball they are before they even had a season and a half under their belt. Imagine how much more of a laughingstock this franchise would be moving on from Cade only for him to blossom on another team; that would be the franchise’s true rock bottom.

    • Puzzleheaded_Meat580B
      10 months ago

      Nobody is speaking anything into existence. If cade figures it out it will be on his Merritt alone same if he fails. Criticism is part of the NBA and if he can’t handle it it was never gonna work out anyway.

      The fact is cade can’t shoot. We are a season and a half into this and the one skill he needed to improve to get to his supposed ceiling is regressing.

      The whole sophomore slump thing is bullshit. For every sophomore slump there are 20 players that just fizzle out. The odds are not in favor of a player turning it around.

      Let’s hope for the best but it’s silly to criticize fans for being frustrated at shit performances night in and night out.