The Saints as an organization have become complacent. Which can happen when a franchise has unconditional support from its fanbase.

Idk about you guys…but I’m done with this team until changes are made. And by changes…I mean Dennis Allen and this coaching staff need to be fired. I would include Derek Carr in this…but we’re stuck with him.

Unfortunately…I think we’re stuck with Dennis Allen too. The reality is…the Saints aren’t an attractive job right now. Loomis has destroyed the salary cap with untradeable contracts. We have so many old veteran players…who have so much dead money on their deals if they’re released or traded…that you can’t do anything with them but play them.

No veteran coach wants this job…and no young aspiring coach wants it…because you’re starting your coaching career in a massive hole with a small shovel.

I hate to say it…but what you’ve seen from the Saints the last two years is what you’re going to continue to see. We have at least one more season of this…which is why I believe Dennis Allen will be back next season. After that…we can rebuild.

  • MurpheousB
    10 months ago

    Agreed. I’m still a saints fan but I’m not spending another dime or letting this shit show ruin my Sundays.