I’m just curious. I always cringe when I think about the insane amounts of money I have spend on league at this point. Don’t know the exact number but it’s probably around 300 euros. Now, I haven’t bought anything in like a year and I don’t plan on buying new skins, but I just think about how much actually useful stuff I could have gotten with that much money. It’s one thing to maybe spend 10 or 20 bucks on one or two skins for your main champion. But most champs that I have bought skins for I don’t even play anymore.

  • ekekekouB
    10 months ago

    Comparing the amount of cash I’ve spent on cosmetics for a frustrating game that refuses to give my main a legendary / prestige skin and keeps killing off decent champions so OP ones have more limelight… To a single player campaign where the only thing I’m buying is new ways to play.
    I think I’ve spent near 5k - 8k on LoL. I’ve spent 50 total in Genshin.

    ^(Now that I’m looking at it like that, I should consider dropping LoL for good…)