Days ago i read a post about wanting Vavle to sell dota to other companies like Activision. Activision is currently developing call of duty, iam big call of duty fan and my god, Activision ruins the whole franchise, from gameplay to campaign,the meta is literally unbearable , shotgun has been dominating the meta for a year and for some reason they fail to nerf it multiple times and even gave it cool skin. For someone that dont play Cod, imagine Sb being super meta for a whole year, instead of nerfing it they give it more speed and an arcana So yeah iam grateful that Vavle is our devs

  • EternallyHuntingB
    10 months ago

    Who in their right fucking mind said “Yes, I want this game developed by one of the most user-friendly companies within the entirety of the gaming industry, to instead be developed by one that LITERALLY PRODUCES SCAMS, and has both THREATENED TO MURDER, AND ALSO CAUSED THE DEATH OF IT’S OWN EMPLOYEES instead.”

    Bunch of dumb pricks fucking hate Valve on this subreddit, but Valve is legitimately doing more for the Dota playerbase than most-if not all of it’s major competitors on the market, as of the present day.

    It’s like damn, take a look at the current state of the games industry, and then look at Dota, which is comprised of devs that likely don’t even know what investors are, and just make the game for the sake of the people that actually enjoy it. Meanwhile Riot is pushing $200 recolours of existing skins, and committing it’s entire game dev budget into marketing for skins while the game rots in the background. Or Blizzard, with the borderline unplayable garbage they push in the form of two dead-on-arrival games; Overwatch 2, Diablo 4, and then every other IP they own sitting and rotting in a corner. They only want to make gambling machines that extort their playerbase to please investors and feed their CEO’s bank account.