Lots of frustration, and this was a terrible game but im not overreacting.

This game was brutal. Defense was doing alright but man its hard to win a game with 4 turnovers. We are clearly struggling with personnel and have really highlighted some weaknesses right now. Chandler is a good runner but really struggles in pass protection, Mattison is decent in pass protection and had some good runs today but we know ball security issues and quite a few tfl. QB play was rough tonight, a lot of sailed balls, bad timing, and some weak throws. Dobbs also got into trouble with almost sacks where he just panic dumps the ball; he got super lucky last week and clearly Chi was looking for it this week and made him pay. We know kirk is really accurate and has a good arm and timing, and we clearly are missing that. Receivers were OK but the timing was off and a lot of tipped balls causing heart attacks and turnovers. KOC played more conservative than id like and man those screens suck and never work for us; but i think KOC is just using the pieces available on the board.

Passing was dangerous tonight, so we went to a screen/run game with a few shots. But we just wernt clicking at all. Clearly Dobbs wasnt on the same page as the receivers and we paid for it, repeatedly. I think KOC called a really overly conservative game, but we couldnt even execute that right. I would have liked to see more aggression in the last drive to put it to bed, and thats a learning point but it doesnt mean hes bad. I still think he has some creative plays and calls, but we need the pieces to execute and be on the board. We have lost a lot of important players this year.

This game sucked. But i think people are being a bit too harsh on KOC and some of the players. They are clearly out there giving it their best and trying to win it, it just looks sloppy and lacking execution which is hard to blame, Dobbs has only been around a few weeks, we lost our most well rounded RB, our QB1, our WR1 and are still hanging in on some of these games where we probably shouldnt be just based on our losses. I think there is potential here. We were never going deep in the playoffs, im down to give Hall a shot, save JJ and get him extended, get a slightly better pick, and lets see what holes we can fill now that they are glaringly obvious. We need a QB1 for the future (draft/trade/resign, whatever). We need an RB1 while our newer guys develop (draft/trade/resign). We need some bit players, LB depth, line(s)m depth, CB love, etc.

I still think KOC is the right coach there are glimpses of great, we just need the players to be on the field.

  • Feathered_Serpent8B
    10 months ago

    Brother he is playing with a back up? A back up that can’t throw the ball? A back up that threw 4 ints? What are you even talking about?