I’m someone who for a while has wondered why do first time coaches always see success in year 1 (Judge went 6-10 in year 1 but people liked how the team played down the stretch) only for it to crash and burn in year two and for the fans to rightfully want the head coach fired which it happened. Daboll had a lot of success in year 1, won a playoff game but like coaches past, things fell apart in year 2. However I don’t see much of the vitriol towards the team and the coach as in the past when the year 2 collapse happens. What do you think makes Daboll different than the other coaches that you feel comfortable giving him a longer leash to coach the team. Is it just a gut feeling or simply not wanting to fore another coach after two years? Also where does 2023 rank compared to 2021 and 2017? All three years had some expectations going in and those expectations cratered very quickly.

  • Elevation212B
    10 months ago

    I don’t see a lot of corollary between 16/17 and 22/23, Reese went all in in 2016 signing high priced vets to win, and they did, they then crashed to earth in 17 with injuries and underperformance, mcadoo while a good schemer really didn’t maximize either season based on the dollars plowed into vets

    In contract Schoen gutted the team in 2022 and made conservative signings in 2023 while focusing on young talent in the draft. Daboll in 2022 schemed the hell out of each game while maximizing the talent of a bunch of misfit toys, regression happened in 2023 but the roster still isn’t stacked with talent and based on the key injuries maybe worse then last year for long stretches. Even with that we were right in the Jets/Bills game and have squeaked out wins with a rook udfa behind a garbage line

    Net/net I feel awesome about our coaches and how they ve maximized the roster both seasons and kept the team together through all the injury adversity