I am very happy with this team, don’t get me wrong. I love that our offense is the best in the league and many of the players we have are great and cohesive. The issue is that we should not be losing games like this and I know it’s just one game but there are glaring issues that we need to fix. There are going to be days when shots don’t fall and that is why we need some form of defense. I don’t know how we fix it and it could be trading Turner but probably not. What do you guys think?

  • HoopsMcCann750B
    10 months ago

    The next move is to take a step back and a deep breath.

    We have a 23 year-old superstar whose game doesn’t rely on athleticism and is under team control for a long time. We have all of our draft picks and then some, and nothing but good contracts on the roster. Be patient and don’t rush a quick fix that doesn’t make us a contender and also handicaps our future ceiling.