Hey Guys, how are you?

I would like your help to help me whiten mid lane champions based on their difficulty (not only mechanical, but also macro difficulty). I made a sketch, which is in the image below. If you can help me I will be very grateful, if you disagree with any position, give me arguments and the position where you think a certain champion should be.

OTP (mono) : Champions used by OTP

Very Hard ( Muito Dificil ): Very difficult mechanics and macro game (positioning, side play, fight)

Hard ( Dificil ): difficult mechanics or macro game (positioning, side play, fight)

Medium (Médio): Moderate Difficulty (Standard)

Easy ( Fácil ): Easy to execute champion. Clear function, calm lane, without many ways to make mistakes

Very Easy ( Muito Facil ): Champion that you can play well with from the first game. Very few ways to make mistakes, easy execution and simple mechanics

Counter Pick : Champions used only to Counter Pick Eenemy


  • PNGDeathMarkOPB
    10 months ago

    I’m asking for help to put together the list, this is basically just a draft of my vision when playing with these champions. About Kat I disagree that she is more difficult than medium because it’s basically just knowing how to get into the fight and get a reset.

    I’m inclined to go down the malzahar for easy.

    corki otp? I honestly don’t think so. Everyone plays corki when they are in the meta.

    I think the Cassio is very complex mechanically due to having to spend the whole time playing with skills and because of its low range