Zed is used by more than OTPs, same for Anivia
Kata is an OTP champion, same for Corki, Vlad, Azir and Qiyana
Xerath is harder than what you make him out to be, especially at elos where people actually have good movement
Irelia mid is same level as Akali at difficulty and for sure harder than Kassadin
Katarina that low is a fucking crime, especially since champions like Malzahar are on the same tier
Cassio is for sure not as hard as Azir, Qiyana
sorry but this tier list is trash
ever since they took away clear combos she felt clunky to me whereas trading in lane is trash, mana feels off and dmg isnt there even when hitting a good combo…
Qiyana deserves buffs with her playrate and clunky gameplay…
Because there were daily reddit threads about it lmao
Which champ does she loose vs with full items all summs
And you good sir play which champion in which elo?
And your rank is which one that you can write this text, saying how easy it is to get masters with macro???
Send your opgg please :D
Xun is the shotcaller isnt he? Sounds like it when you listen to their voice comms
Agreed on Viego, his mains are like Kayn mains, super fucking loyal no matter how bad their champ will ever be
I doubt you are Jankos reddit account, again: what elo are you to cry about river elevation being the main problem of why you cannot play league?
At which elo are you to think that river elevation is that much of a problem?
Really good voice acting, the visuals fit the voice perfectly and it seems like the gameplay is interesting too.
How I wish Wunder/Perkz would be playing for TH there…
Yea and Fnatic establishing 1-1-1-2 by winning „S1 Championship“ is still part of our history and they got skins for said event, just like every yearly major championship the following years.
Yea and Season 2 pros would get stomped like plat players nowadays too, whats your point?
Unofficial? You cannot call one of the stepping stone of the history of league esports unofficial lmao.
And I think Cyanide was the youngest ever.
More time and less champion puddles that can be abused would be my guess, tho I also see every lane but Top being in a big favor for T1…
Leblanc is much harder to play at a high level compared to Zed yes and Aatrox mid gets shit on by all mages if played incorrectly, also shat on by Yas/Yone/Ire etc