I know I know, fuck you too. But I’m actually here for discussion. What do you guys think of hurts? Overrated, underrated, accurately rated? Do you guys think he’ll be a thorn in your side for the foreseeable future or is he a flash in the pan? Levelheaded takes only. I’ll start with a neutral take on Dak:

-I think dak gets a ton of unfair flak and is actually pretty damn solid -as much as we all love to harp on interceptions/turnovers, Dak more than anyone else is never given the benefit of context to tipped interceptions and what not, while other qbs get the benefit of the doubt -Dak is slippery as hell in the pocket, similar to but not as good as Mahomes in that facet. Everytime you think you got home on him he keeps the play alive -the only qualm I have with Dak is he seems to fold in big games. Until he turns the page in the playoffs, I think he’ll continue to get shit. But all it takes is one year to change a narrative.

P.S. I hope he never changes the narrative though 😏

  • UglyDuckAIB
    10 months ago

    He seems like a good player who is overrated. He isnt a real MVP candidate and if he wins it, it will be on the strength of his team. He is absolutely a franchise QB, and even though his Rushing TDs dont impress me, his rushing ability does since he doesnt rely on it (like Lamar). The fact that he is already this good tells me we probably have another ~5ish years of battles.

    Also, Dak only folds against the 9ers. He plays awesome in pretty much every other “big game” - which you should know because he regularly beats your team. He was awesome in all his other playoff games (if you watch them and dont box score scout).