They barely farm, they die on repeat during laning phase, they don’t interact with chat and they never follow not even the simplest calls, they focus tanks and constantly make decisions that just don’t look human to me. They usually end like 1/11/6 or something, always getting those takedowns in random teamfights or ganks, never by themselves. I found this exact pattern of toplane player both in my team and in enemy teams. Am I becoming paranoid or is this a thing during this time of the season for some reason?

  • EvelynnEveloutB
    1 year ago

    I have a friend who plays in iron.

    She met multiple times a warwick or Nunu jgl / garen top duo who would soft int and would dc after 20 mins if game wasnt already lost by then. Both account climbing their way to iron 4 each time with absurdly low wr. My guess is that it’s a deranker/account seller strategy just like the Taric/Yuumi supps you can get who just spam spells off cd and follow u