League is a strategy game based around gold leads, that would be a horrible idea to remove items
League is a strategy game based around gold leads, that would be a horrible idea to remove items
I have a friend who plays in iron.
She met multiple times a warwick or Nunu jgl / garen top duo who would soft int and would dc after 20 mins if game wasnt already lost by then. Both account climbing their way to iron 4 each time with absurdly low wr. My guess is that it’s a deranker/account seller strategy just like the Taric/Yuumi supps you can get who just spam spells off cd and follow u
I don’t, I just check porofessor
Senna instantly triggers me
As an Ashe main, I just AA Shaco once and check for Frost Shot passive debuff OR I noticed that one of the Shaco was dealing extremely low damages for his build
Fighter items are broken, the nerf is only making the item fair
Bard. You R yourself or Asol or Senna, zoom into their ass and 3 shot them.
HoB Kai’san with pretty much any build
Nilah is a braindead counter to any autoattacker
Lucian can burst them before they burst him
Caitlyn / Draven can one shot most of them before they get in range
Xayah / Vayne
You’ll still be garbage if you only hit emerald tho.
Idealy you should be able to play world finals if you want us to consider you good
Only 4 ADCs beat him or can go even in lane from experience (Ashe / Kog / Nilah / Cait), the other ones are favorable matchups or get wrecked , and the ones he beats get beaten super hard (Kai’sa/Vayne/Xayah/Jinx are free matchups for him)
When an enemy consistently dodges a spell that you didn’t even finish casting
10% cooldown reduction by target revealed with an ashe E on either the E or the ult
Ashe god tier incoming
Preseasons don’t exist anymore.
It’s more like 1 split of testing stuff before MSI, 1 split to prep worlds, and 1 split with actual game balance
Watch her WR and PR skyrocket as new season comes and then come again with the same statement
You don’t grasp the concept of fun
Toplaners just don’t play ADCs because they are manly men and ADC is for pussies !
They like to fight with their fist for their lp !
Otherwise they’d all be gm+ ADCs
Toplaners just don’t play ADCs because they are manly men and ADC is for pussies !
They like to fight with their fist for their lp !
Otherwise they’d all be gm+ ADCs
Nami vs Lulu in the botlane