I’m (F24) new to Overwatch & have been learning the game on Xbox over the last two days. I don’t have many heroes unlocked and I’m only semi-decent playing as Dva. It’s been pretty upsetting trying to learn a new game and have some fun while being told I’m trash every 5 seconds. I know I’m not great but I’m getting about 15-20 kills during a good game. The toxicity of the chat makes a newb like me feel pretty crappy lol. Is everyone a jerk on overwatch? The game is fun the ppl suck
Yeah ignore the chat honestly. There are ppl who take the game very serious, even in open queue. Ignore the noise and have fun. You’ll find cool people here and there too, ppl just wildin. A lot of online games can get like that. Thought the occasional shit talk to the other team can be fun