I am a 14 year old new fan of south park. My mom was never happy about me watching it and would roll her eyes but didnt ban it or anything until i showed her the hell on earth 2006 episode. What do you think she banned it for? The scene where Jeffrey Dahhmer fucked someone guys intenstines which lasted for like 5 seconds. LIKE i understand being disgusted by it but ban me from watching it entirely? I dont get it. Like she listened to me watch it for AGES. Like there are things that would probably make her ban it from me like the Mr Garrison writing his romance novel. So yeah, i love and everything but she can be pretty ridiculous sometimes.

  • BaziliskBanana_666OPB
    10 months ago

    My innocence was already ruined before. I did hear that the Band In China episode has a scene where George Lucas and the guy that made E.T rape Indiana Jones and it apparently means it’s what they did to the franchise with some really bad movie?