I am a 14 year old new fan of south park. My mom was never happy about me watching it and would roll her eyes but didnt ban it or anything until i showed her the hell on earth 2006 episode. What do you think she banned it for? The scene where Jeffrey Dahhmer fucked someone guys intenstines which lasted for like 5 seconds. LIKE i understand being disgusted by it but ban me from watching it entirely? I dont get it. Like she listened to me watch it for AGES. Like there are things that would probably make her ban it from me like the Mr Garrison writing his romance novel. So yeah, i love and everything but she can be pretty ridiculous sometimes.

  • KnowTheUnknowingB
    10 months ago

    I wasn’t allowed to watch any show that made fun of Jesus when I was younger. They claimed it was “blasphemous” and it would be a bad influence on me. So they specifically prevented me from watching Family Guy and South Park. Also one of the reasons I wasn’t allowed to watch South Park was because my uncle beat the Stick of Truth and snitched to my mom about the abortion scene. So that was another reason why she didn’t want me to watch South Park as she didn’t want me exposed to that either as she thought it would promote abortion to me. I remember the thrill on some nights waiting until my parents went to sleep so I could sneak onto Comedy Central and watch South Park. Good times

  • Shower_SlugB
    10 months ago

    I had friends who weren’t allowed to watch the simpsons. Some parents were even more strict. At that age if my parents overheard that episode they would just say turn that shit off but wouldnt ban me from watching anything besides boobs and stuff. My advice is just watch it in private you’ll be fine. Watch on your phone or on the Bus. I dunno your life.