The Inside The NBA folks seem to have no idea how a tournament works and it’s difficult to listen to them talk about this tournament.

Why is point differential such a difficult concept for them to understand?

Candace Parker’s idea is to ignore the group and just advance the top teams with the best records, out of all the groups. Then what’s the point of the groups? It’s a tournament. I don’t think she realizes that point differential would still come into play.

Chuck wants the 2 top teams in the West to advance because they have the best regular season records. Let’s ignore the fact that they couldn’t play well in the tournament.

This tournament has a lot of potential as we saw in that Kings/Warriors game. Most of those plays in the 4th quarter would’ve never occurred if this was just a regular season game.

I do believe that these games need to be independent of regular season games though.

If you’re still struggling to understand how tournaments with groups work, play some FIFA or watch any sport outside of America. It’s a really fun system.

  • mapleaddictsB
    10 months ago

    Yeah but you know what else kills interest? When you play people who are CLEARLY in your group multiple times and none of those count but then play a tournament game 2 weeks from the last and it doesn’t count for shit because you lost 2 games a month ago and are out either way now.

    Either expand the number of teams so each group can play more teams or make it so EVERY Tues/Fri all 30 teams play (so 8 games) we’re not having a random ass 2 week lull after playing the initial 2 games - literally no excuse to play teams in your group and have them not count.

    I also never said condensing it to 2 weeks. If they are adamant about making this a November thing, every game in the month should be tournament games with the next stages trickling and ending on the 2nd week of Dec so they can roll the momentum into Christmas