The Inside The NBA folks seem to have no idea how a tournament works and it’s difficult to listen to them talk about this tournament.

Why is point differential such a difficult concept for them to understand?

Candace Parker’s idea is to ignore the group and just advance the top teams with the best records, out of all the groups. Then what’s the point of the groups? It’s a tournament. I don’t think she realizes that point differential would still come into play.

Chuck wants the 2 top teams in the West to advance because they have the best regular season records. Let’s ignore the fact that they couldn’t play well in the tournament.

This tournament has a lot of potential as we saw in that Kings/Warriors game. Most of those plays in the 4th quarter would’ve never occurred if this was just a regular season game.

I do believe that these games need to be independent of regular season games though.

If you’re still struggling to understand how tournaments with groups work, play some FIFA or watch any sport outside of America. It’s a really fun system.

  • Fr0_oz3nB
    10 months ago

    It’s going to take people a couple years to REALLY understand the points system. It will come along in time. Right now the games just need to be great, which they have been.

  • stewmanderB
    10 months ago

    They probably think its dumb and dont care to learn.

  • mapleaddictsB
    10 months ago

    The biggest problem imo is the inconsistent scheduling. OKC literally went over a week of playing ball - twice against the Warriors who are in their group by the way and neither of those were tournament games.

    I think if they just did games over x stretch of time, that would be way easier to follow vs playing for a week, maybe longer of regular games then having a tournament game randomly occur.

  • Ok_Respond7928B
    10 months ago

    Because the inside the NBA guys don’t really watch ball like that anymore and take the time to understand how new things work.

    Shaq doesn’t know 80% if not more of NBA players. When he was called out on it his response was unless you’re a superstar I don’t need to know your name.

  • Not_a__porn__accountB
    10 months ago

    Because if you don’t watch soccer you won’t understand it compared to other tournaments we have in the US.

    We don’t do group play in March Madness. College football, hockey, etc.

    So unless you’ve been interested in a sport where it’s present, it’s a brand new and admittedly confusing concept at first.

    After you know what’s going on it’s obvious this is a good system.

  • 2020IsANightmareB
    10 months ago

    “If you’re still struggling to understand how tournaments with groups work, play some FIFA or watch any sport outside of America.”

    I have no desire to play FIFA or watch fucking cricket or whatever. If I did, I would have already been doing so.

    The issue with the tournament is just the latest example of Silver doing what he does: Changing things for the fuck of it to draw an audience that…isn’t going to watch anyway. The courts are headache inducing. No team worth a fuck is going to risk their title aspirations to win a November game.

    Players and the admin for official social media accounts are of course given their talking points, but is a SINGLE SOUL that wasn’t ALREADY GOING TO WATCH ANYWAY really tuning into the Kings vs Pelicans or Celtics vs Pacers next week?!?