I really feel like there’s no real team chemistry except with Bridges and Ball. They work really well together… Hayward and Terry also seem to play good ISO ball together. Other than that, there’s no real flow of offense or defense.

Does anyone agree or disagree?

Why is the chemistry so awkward? Could it be the rotations?

How can the chemistry improve?

  • ISISCosbyB
    10 months ago

    You’re complaining about lack of ball/player movement on offense, which is a valid gripe. But this isn’t a chemistry problem. By all accounts, pretty much everyone on our team likes each other.

    It’s a roster construction/offensive scheme issue.

    We have two, maybe three guys on the entire roster (Melo, Hayward, Miller) who are above-average primary or secondary playmakers, and our offensive system places zero emphasis on player motion, cutting, or reversing the ball around the horn to force defensive shifts (ie, three things good offensive teams like the Nugs, Kings, Warriors, and Heat have lead the league in for years).

    We’re trying to bake a cake (have a good offense) while subbing out sugar (playmaking) for salt and frosting (motion/passing) for mayonnaise and wondering why it tastes like shit rn