Now that the team is really shaping up and starting to get in the groove, playoffs are definitely looking like a possibility (at least, much more so than earlier this year). Got me wondering, knowing we are not likely a serious Super Bowl contender, would you want the team to qualify for the playoffs if you knew they were not going to do anything more than potentially win one, maybe a miraculous two, game(s)? Or would finishing the season with a strong showing, but just missing out on the playoffs and helping draft position be better for us? I’m torn between the pragmatic approach of wanting to get the best pick we can to help us make a run in the next couple of years and just being a fan who wants his team to win no matter what, even if it doesn’t really net us anything while costing us draft positions. What do others think?

  • Educational_End_5886B
    10 months ago

    I always root for wins. You can think a team won’t win a playoff game but that’s why they take the field. You always want to see it play out. If Love can get us to the postseason in a “prove it” year then I think that’ll be really good for the mentality of this team moving forward. I almost never care about the draft position because a) the Packers rarely pick someone I wanted or expected them to pick and that’s fine with me because I’m obviously not a scout, and b) whether or not I like who we pick, I trust the front office because they’ve proven to be competent. Football is fun to watch. The draft is not fun to watch.