Reading posts here just looks like there’s one group that thinks there is a one-shop solution for this team: tanking or trading.

Just enjoy the game. If y’all want to play in fantasy world, just pick up your controller. We’re watching the best players in the world. They develop, they get better. There are diamonds in the rough. Ten years ago, no one thought Kyle would become the GROAT.

Enjoy the ebbs and flow. Be thankful you saw a championship run.

If there’s a piece that we should all agree on is that tickets are way too damn expensive. For the rest, just enjoy the game and enjoy the development of player.

  • dotorbB
    10 months ago

    I mean if you are in it for the long haul to see how MSLE plays out 100+ years of incompetent basketball/hockey moves with one good trade leading to a championship checkmate you win.

    Enjoy watching years of “player progression” before they leave for free agency. You can tell your kids you watched Scottie Barnes score 15 points a game with spacing issues and no shooting and they wont have a clue wtf you are talking about. Youngsters these days dont give a shit about basketball unless its on tiktok or roblox.