Honestly - if my husband: -lied to my about my role in the marriage until immediately after the marriage -let his family ice me out -completely disregards my feelings -disregards the fact that I am depressed & tells me it’s a personal problem -gaslight the shit out of me every time I tried to talk about my feelings

I would probably scream too. I hear ya Kimberly! I’m starting to feel manic for her

  • blewberyBOOMB
    10 months ago

    Kimberly’s emotions are 100% justified. She was kept out of decisions from the beginning, was given half- truths or only part of the information so she couldn’t make informed decisions for herself, was brought into a toxic environment where her partner made no attempt to be on her side…. Her disappointment, sadness, anger is all justified.

    That being said, she is responsible for her actions. Shrieking in someone’s face very rarely actually makes the situation better. I 100% understand how she got there; I even understood the first time when she arrived at the apartment after traveling for probably 20 hours to find that he had kept her in the dark about the progress on the build. I understand how she gets to that point with all the bullshit (figurative and literal) that family puts her through. She still needs to learn the skills to control herself and set boundaries even though she’s justified in being hurt.