One thing that I noticed throughout my 400+ games is that played (climbed from bronze to gold 1, woooo!) I’ve gotten significantly better at dodging skill shots, but for the life of me I cannot dodge swain’s e.

Ahri? No problem. Xerath? I dodge more than I get hit. Ez? If I dodge the first q I got the rest.

But swain’s e with full vision on the swain? Thing turns invisible. I don’t even recognize it as an object to be dodged.

Just wanted to know if other player experience the same thing with different champions and skill shots.

It seems that the skill shots that I have trouble dodging the most is swain’s and zyra’s e.

  • GrazingCrowB
    1 year ago

    It’s not that I can’t dodge it, I can, but Blitzcrank Hook. Whenever I anticipate it and actually try to dodge it, I always get hooked, but for some reason, when I don’t even try and instead let my subconscious do its own thing, it’s a completely different story. Maybe there’s just brain lag when I’m fully conscious and aware of it lol