I hear a lot about the various EVs on the market and their drivetrain/software/ride quality but I rarely hear about the quality of service that comes post-purchase. Perhaps because it’s not an exciting topic.

Which brand would y’all say has the best or worst reputation in the regard? How would you say Chevy compares to Tesla or Hyundai?

  • Jimmy-Pesto-JrB
    10 months ago

    in terms of car brands in general, lexus has been leagues ahead - much, much better than toyota (and toyota isnt too bad)

    but the rz450e is getting less than stellar reviews - not from build quality/reliability, but stuff like range, performance, bang for buck

    i dont have experience with german premium brands sucu as merc & porsche to compare lexus against


    i was inquiring local chevy dealers in my area (regarding the bolt EUV) but it seemed lackluster - this was back when new EV inventory were starting to sit, and GM announced they’d kill off the bolt, but hadn’t walked back on their decision - so the mood was in a “get rid of the '23 stock”


    idk if hyundai/genesis improved the quality of their dealership network since releasing their BEVs, but the last time i interacted with them for their ICE/HEV vehicles was like pulling teeth

    it wasn’t just the ICE drivetrain issue, but their service center & staff, the corporate (warranty/claims), not to mention the horrid sales experiences across 3~4 of their dealers back in the mid-2010s - enough to leave the brand & not return, regardless of how good their various ioniq lineups claim to be

    i feel like their sales staff are on a whole new level of unprofessionalism

    as a “light” example, one sales guy lost the keys to a car i was interested in, and i see his manager berate him over losing the keys abt ~20 yards away, and then the manager walks over to me & offers to sell me the car, all w/o me having had the chance to turn the ignition. wtf??

    if this level of incompetence spills over to their BEV sales, i can’t imagine what that’d be like

    i would rather suck on tailpipe exhaust or grab the HV battery contactors than deal w hyundai again


    ended up just getting a tesla, no complaints, nothing to write home about