A few Years ago Corrupting Potion used to be a pretty good Starter Item with quite the Learning Curve aswell as some pretty dedicated “Buyers”. I used to see it all the Time on Irelia, Jax, Poppy, Ahri, Fizz, Twisted Fate etc. but nowadays the Item is kind of dead.

Even after it’s Nerf from 12.14 and the Nerfs to Time Warp Tonic (which was a popular Rune to take with Corrupting Potion) from 12.7 and 12.14 you’d still see an Illaoi, Poppy or Fizz picking this Item every now and then…

But ever since 13.20 this Item has been dead, completely gutted. Doran’s Items got buffed with amazing Stats so every Laner wants those in the early Game and by the Time you actually get 500 Gold you might aswell start building Components for bigger Items instead of Corrupting Potion.

This Item really needs some Changes/Adjustments or Buffs, especially with the new Triple Tonic Rune basically giving you just better Corrupting Potion Damage at Level 6. (And while we’re on that Topic, a lot of other Inspiration Runes are kinda dead aswell).

  • RitalinInItalyB
    10 months ago

    Maybe I’m misremembering but IIRC I didn’t really think it was all that fun when it was meta. You were vs. 2 health/mana bars before first base and even if you chewed through them they’d just base and tp back with dark seal. The answer was basically to either fully all in or just accept that the lane isn’t really gonna go anywhere until lvl 5+