Recently, people have been pinging me and calling me bad after seeing me miss my skillshot on scuttle crab after my first clear. They say “jg diff” and call me names. However, what they don’t realize is that I am not misplaying. I am placing the skillshot in the mathematically correct spot every time.

I know that from the outside, I look bad but what people fail to realize is that these are not my mistakes, it’s simply scuttle crab’s impeccable micromovements.

Any tips on how to explain this to my teammates who keep insisting that I am just bad and misplaying?

  • qonoxzzrB
    10 months ago

    Why are people making such a big thing out of this? Faker outsmarted Scout and few moments later Tarzan & Scout had a miscommunication which lead to Tarzan looking like an inter.