But this buff is relevant for the early game where you don’t have Navori.
Sometimes I really question if people actually think before they cry about buffs/nerfs
Pure insanity that Cuzz is teamless
What if op is Ruler though?
This one is arguably as important as the players re-signing.
In the past T1 often handycapped themselves in draft but under Tom they are really playing to their strength!
Okay-ish I‘d say but nothing special.
Back in the day lulu used to be an actual viable pick in all 5 positions
AD/AP Lulu as top laner
AD Lulu as jungler
AP Lulu as mid laner
AD Lulu as adc
AP/Sup Lulu as support
the only JG in the TOP 5 before world that Oner didn’t gapped was Peanut.
Oner did gap Peanut though, remember the solo kill at Peanut’s red for example? Peanut basically did nothing the entire game but getting the flash out of Guma + Keria before the drake fight, who were chasing him but couldn’t get the kill.
Since the BLG serie Oner was just a different player, I don’t remember any bad, let alone invisible game for him
His Maokai game against JDG was really bad.
That’s actually a really, really good & balanced roster
IMO R9 had the highest ceiling ever for a football player
Completely forgot this one already, this was also insanely questionable
Nothing will ever top Chovy’s Ryze Flash, Ult panic in my book (last year)
While bad, it’s nowhere near as bad as for example Doublelift’s Lucian running straight into Crown’s Viktor
Zeus gapped Bin in game 1 and Bin gapped Zeus in game 2 (on Jax though)
In all honesty and keeping all the bias/storyline etc. aside, Zeus should have no problem beating TheShy in lane
Where exactly can you see this on DeepLOL?
Best timing to get injured tbh, still sucks
Messi is better than Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappe, look Didier it’s quite easy
Random hahahahahahaahahah
That random is top 3 German footballers ever and certainly better than Di Maria
Hardest run ever - I agree
Most impressive run ever - I do not agree
They already lost a Bo3 & a Bo1 and while they certainly didn’t go into the tournament as favorites due to their rather bad play-offs run, it should not be forgotten that they had a 17-1 Summer Split in LCK. This surely isn’t as impressive as DRX’s run last year or even TPA in Season 2.
How is Kimmich at 2.2? Guess some people gave him a 10 as joke?
Why are people making such a big thing out of this? Faker outsmarted Scout and few moments later Tarzan & Scout had a miscommunication which lead to Tarzan looking like an inter.