All the griefers stuck in the below 4500 behaviour score shadow pool will be coming in your pubs now because they can now steadily climb out by gaining 200-300 points every summary ever since the comm reports got bugged out, brace yourselves

  • mumu6669B
    10 months ago

    Behaviour score is not decreasing cause it’s stucked on the same value for a bug for a lot of people and to be fair I look at my own experience with the bug, I was always 12k in 10 yrs of playing dota and since 3 weeks my communication score kept dropping and dropping till it got stucked on 6500, I don’t even know how it got to 6500 cause I won a lot of mmr this month and my games were with positive teams almost always. Real toxic people were already low behaviour score, idk why u think so many people became toxic all of a sudden to flood the bug tracker and the sub consistently every day with multiple posts about the same thing.