• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • Shadow Fiend with Arcane Blink Abyssal Balde Refresher. Most fun I ever had in dota.

    Click BKB, Arcane Blink into five heroes (it gave you faster casting speed at the time so Requiem was nearly instant cast), Abyssal onto the important target (it used to have bigger cast range and it moved you on top of the target, sort of a mini blink, perfect to deal max damage with Requiem), and insta Requiem, refresh, blink again, abyssal, Requiem again.

    I’m insanely sad this does not exist in dota anymore but it was broken as fuck if played correctly… you could one shot two targets while everyone else was feared… not the only reason Abyssal and Arcane Blink got changed, they were really strong in general.

  • Behaviour score is not decreasing cause it’s stucked on the same value for a bug for a lot of people and to be fair I look at my own experience with the bug, I was always 12k in 10 yrs of playing dota and since 3 weeks my communication score kept dropping and dropping till it got stucked on 6500, I don’t even know how it got to 6500 cause I won a lot of mmr this month and my games were with positive teams almost always. Real toxic people were already low behaviour score, idk why u think so many people became toxic all of a sudden to flood the bug tracker and the sub consistently every day with multiple posts about the same thing.

  • It’s somehow not right… 3 weeks ago I had 12k/12k (never had low behavior in the past), rn my communication keeps going down even if I don’t flame or type in general… currently at 12k and 6.5k… never received a low prio or mute or any sort of punishment so it feels like even getting a few unrevised reports not going through overwatch lowers your communication score heavily (currently is going down by 100-200-300 per summary)… this would work on the premise that valve is assuming every report is used when someone actually does wrong stuff but people with free unlimited reports are just spamming them whenever something they don’t like happen.

    Even my queue times are like normal and I don’t find people that are flaming or griefing, everything feels like normal so idk what’s the drill

    My theory is that whoever is reporting me clicks all the boxes, and since I’m not griefing when people review the eventual overwatch case they always click “not guilty” so I’m not losing behaviour score or getting any punishment, but since communication reports can’t be verified and are not going through overwatch every report is counted as valid.

  • mumu6669BtoDota 2@level-up.zoneThe Report system is broken.
    10 months ago

    Behaviour is broken… I played at 12k normal and 12k communication for ages, perma 10k in the old system… and I was doing fine even in this one… till a month ago or so… my communication started to drop like fucking crazy from 12k to 7k and all I’m doing is playing the game. No toxicity, no griefing, nothing. I even raised mmr in this period

  • I was a perma 10k player in the old system and 11k-12k in the new one, right now my communication behavior is dropping 100-200 point every summary even if I don’t flame since a month, currently at 7500-ish. Will the bleeding ever stop? I literally played 15 games muted and lost 100 behaviour score. I even stopped reporting and commending people, I do not wanna interact with this system in any sort of way till it’s fixed.

    I can post screens of my behaviour score history for thousands of games if the random Reddit user says I’m toxic; don’t lose your time cause I’ll prove you wrong instantly.

  • My “normal” behaviour score was 12k and it still is, my communication was 12k till a month ago, right now it’s at 7450 going down every summary despite me being a very nice team mate that does not flame. -100 -200 communication score mandatory, I’ll soon be unable to interact in any way for no reason (lol).

  • mumu6669BtoDota 2@level-up.zoneI am bored of dual lanes.
    10 months ago

    Yes, I am your pos 4:

    I start a fight somewhere on the rune, maybe get a kill, maybe one of us dies, I don’t care, I’m pos 4 I’m supposed to do shit… than I need to rush my boots so I’m gonna walk to the portal and show up after two waves in the offlane with 40% hp while you sucked dicks getting zoned by 2 heroes cause I don’t wanna spend my tp. Maybe I’m late to block the camp, maybe I’m not, I don’t care, now I will just stay back cause I’m not fucking sending a salve in before my boots, I’d rather have hard support tp to me and share me some regen than buying it myself. And now the real warfare begins, I used all my tango, I’m finally 95% hp, I will click one right click and a lvl 1 spell and I get nuked back by 2 level 2 heroes so I walk back to base and miss the lotus, too bad this fucking hard support didn’t tp to heal me. Now it’s 4 minutes and my mid needs a bottle refill, I’m gonna tp there from my base and camp the water rune for extra value. I’m gonna run back to the offlane and see the enemy carry lvl 4.5 while my shit offlaner that can’t play dota is lvl 3 with no hp, fuck this shitter I’m walking to the portal. I’m ganking the safelane. I reach my pos 5 and he says “we are fine here, carry is free farming”, but no I wanna force a shit play on the guy with vanguard or the enemy support, I force this shit and we manage to sneak a huge kill on the enemy skywrath with no mana and the carry only lost 5 creeps to tower, worth it im a god at this game. I take the portal back, I watch the offlaner lvl 4 vs lvl 6 carry, this guy really suck. Fuck this guy. I’m walking to 6 minutes rune to help mid cause I’m a pos 4 and I HAVE to do shit. After I missed the rune I walk again to the offlaner and ping his level than I ping enemy carry level and spam some well played. Enemy carry has dragonlance half deso at 12 min

    “Report centaur” I write in all chat, everyone clicks on him and sees vanguard and a stick at 15 mins. They agree centaur suck, fuck this guy why do I always get bad offlaners. Matchmaking is fucked up.