I’m guessing Weaver and Gores stay mute and let this ship sink even further.

  • Jorihe84B
    10 months ago

    Sheila is a bit different. She was exposed to the Lions for most of her life, Michigan Native, etc. I understand Gores is from here also, but he is a Cali boy at heart. He loves his Beverly Hills life.

    The thing with Sheila is, she is actually connected to the community. She listens, she observes, she takes criticism and says, “how can i fix this”. Deep down she loves her team, her state, her city, the people, etc. She had to sit idle for decades while her dad let this franchise get embarrassed over and over and i bet it killed her. Martha was not any better when she took over, but Martha was smart enough to let it go.

    Tom does not give a shit about the state, the fans, the city, nothing. He wants a sports team that he can play real life 2K with and rake in his revenue.

    One of the worst things you can have is a bad owner. Outside of an egregious moral cause, there is nothing the fans, or the NBA can do about it. Tom is free to run his team however he wants, and we cannot do diddly shit about it.

    Unless you want to really get cringy, our legit option is to protest the team online, stop buying tickets, nag the local stations to get the story out. Cringy option, but probably the only one.