Seriously i had to google the rune to see if it was still in the game, i swear to everything that is holy i have not seen it once this season, ive even seen Spellbook a few times but not Predator.

Is the rune just not balanceable or are they waiting for next season?

  • Lopsided_Chemistry89B
    1 year ago

    This rune is better to be forgotten if it works like how it functions right now.

    It’s no fun to see veigar or galio zooming on sidelane at min 4 to get 50 movement speed and hug you into chain CC to make you lose your lane or blow your summs.

    It was made for assassins initially, but it landed well for control mages who are supposed to work by kiting back and have bad engage. This simply worked because they function best when enemies are running mindlessly towards you, and by behing behind them? They will have no way to go except towards you.

    It needs to be changed in some way to have some sort of counterplay at the hands of the people who are getting ganked themselves not his lane opponent.

    Think kata or fizz for example, you can just move away from them. If they use their mobility to reach you, they can’t deal much damage. (unless you are positioning too aggressively and can’t back in time).

    Your question is like asking why hull breaker isn’t strong? (if it isn’t strong) Because its gameplay is so stupid to play against.