For example: Nidalee mid/top. Kha’Zix mid. Sejuani top or support. Amumu top or support. Zac top. Graves ADC. Xin Zhao top. And so on.

Actually, Riot often does the opposite: Whenever a jungler is going in other positions, they tend to nerf it. They did it with Nocturne for example.

  • Unknown_Warrior43B
    1 year ago

    I used to love playing Xin Top back before Mythics were introduced. Bork and Trinity Force were everything a Brother needed to take over the Game.

    It’s weird because the Game’s Flex Picks have actually increased quite a lot in the Past few Years. We’ve had Cait, Ashe and Jhin Support, Twitch Mid and Support, Rek’Sai, Warwick and Zac Top, Blitzcrank Jungle, Kai’Sa and Tristana Mid, Singed Mid, Lee Sin Top and Mid, Nautilus Mid, Graves Top… Trundle is making a Comeback up Top, Swain, Veigar and Ziggs were going Botlane etc.

    Yet somehow certain Champions stay stuck in their Position for a really long Time and it ends up kinda boring for them. Xin is a perfect Example of that IMO.