For example: Nidalee mid/top. Kha’Zix mid. Sejuani top or support. Amumu top or support. Zac top. Graves ADC. Xin Zhao top. And so on.

Actually, Riot often does the opposite: Whenever a jungler is going in other positions, they tend to nerf it. They did it with Nocturne for example.

  • WillDanyelB
    1 年前

    I kinda like this so i can fuck around in norms, ryze jungle is a beast, sennza jungle is meme carry lmao

  • Unknown_Warrior43B
    1 年前

    I used to love playing Xin Top back before Mythics were introduced. Bork and Trinity Force were everything a Brother needed to take over the Game.

    It’s weird because the Game’s Flex Picks have actually increased quite a lot in the Past few Years. We’ve had Cait, Ashe and Jhin Support, Twitch Mid and Support, Rek’Sai, Warwick and Zac Top, Blitzcrank Jungle, Kai’Sa and Tristana Mid, Singed Mid, Lee Sin Top and Mid, Nautilus Mid, Graves Top… Trundle is making a Comeback up Top, Swain, Veigar and Ziggs were going Botlane etc.

    Yet somehow certain Champions stay stuck in their Position for a really long Time and it ends up kinda boring for them. Xin is a perfect Example of that IMO.

  • Qweedo420B
    1 年前

    Because laners are usually balanced around a specific trade pattern, strengths and weaknesses, counters, etc. Junglers, on the other hand, don’t offer much interaction when played in a lane. Nocturne is just gonna run at you and autoattack you to death, just like Xin Zhao, Graves, Jarvan, Briar, etc

  • Lopsided_Chemistry89B
    1 年前

    because junglers have innate sustain or high base stats that is unfair to play against.

    viego was played on release on lane and had incredible sustain from minions, it got nerfed then none played him there again.

    lillia was kiting top laners so easily and was not like at all.

    rammus top can go 0 10 but oneshots the enemy auto attacker once he has thronmail and sorc shoes (baus thing).

    leesin had so high sustain like viego from his W and massive wave clear from E to get prio in lane.

    noc had massive sustain from minions too and stat checks people till he wins with a one dimensional playstyle.

    zac is playable now on top and is so disgusting for how much damage and heal he does from minions.

    why do you want champions that are built around sustain to be viable in lanes? some of them have gigantic health regen like VI that can soak a lot of damage an heals it back again.

    to clarify, Vi has 10-27 health regen per 5 seconds, which means she can have 120 HP per min with basic regen. this can go really really wrong in mid lane vs mages for example (there was a video promoting this strategy on YT).

    junglers have high base stats that allow them to start 0 stats items and can compete with laners who have doran item to some extent. and you can’t balance that to make them viable in lane without tinkering with base stats.

    and finally if you want to play a jungler in lane, go ahead nothing stops you.

  • itaicoolB
    1 年前

    No thanks every time a jg champion plays lane it’s a degenerate playstyle.

    Does anyone really miss seeing lane nocturne just permanently shoving waves and roaming?

    Sejuani top with tp ignite having insane base numbers and getting lvl 3 solokills?

    Amumu always breaks the support meta when he is viable there and have to get nerfed hard to force him out.

    Graves top same peak boring gameplay of perma shoving waves with no counterplay.

    Keep them in the jg.

  • aladytestB
    1 年前

    As others have said, it helps newer/offrole players get into jungle more easily. But also, these champs aren’t super overwhelming or unfun to play against in jungle. Some jungle champs would be fine in lane, but some would also be pretty unfun if they were laners. Nidalee top would be really annoying, for example. Nocturne, Graves, Fiddle, Nunu have all seen play in lanes and been really uninteractive. A lot of junglers just statcheck laners, especially mid lane, and use their jungle clearing tools to instaclear waves and roam, which is not very fun.

    Something like Sej top or Amumu support would be pretty fine.

  • fediverser
    1 年前

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  • Traditional-Bus-8239B
    1 年前

    Riot is weird. They cling strictly to ‘‘it should be within champion fantasy’’.

    When Kled could build tank and was building tank in around half the games he was picked they nerfed it to no longer be possible since it was deemed no ‘‘within the champion fantasy’’. That was for a champ that already is quite tanky and used to build more tanky before the bruiser meta became ‘‘build 4 damage items and then gargoyles’’.

  • RDKiB
    1 年前

    No, you don’t understand. They nerf jungle champions whilst leaving the items that made them OP alone. For example, J4 wasn’t OP, it was the items and now he’s actually a bit weak.